Hello everyone! This blog has been created by Irene Giannitsi who is a teacher of English at the Senior High School of Konitsa. Anyone interested in learning about the school’s projects and activities the students are taking part in, is more than welcome. Enjoy your visit!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Trivial Pursuit! Answer 8!

Arsenal is known as "the gunners"
West Ham United is known as "the hammers" and
Newcastle United is known as "the magpies".

A magpie is a long-tailed black-and-white crow that utters a raucous chattering call. Magpies as birds  flock in groups like crows and other birds do. They are believed to bring bad luck. The magpie is said to have a symbolic meaning and predict omens. So according to how many magpies are seen the following will be one’s fate:

One for sadness, two for mirth;
Three for marriage, four for birth;
Five for laughing, six for crying:
Seven for sickness, eight for dying;
Nine for silver, ten for gold;
Eleven a secret that will never be told.

 Variations of the above are the following:

One for sorrow
Two for joy
Three for a girl
Four for a boy
Five for silver
Six for gold
Seven for a secret never to be told
Eight for a wish,
Nine for a kiss,
Ten for a time
of joyous bliss

The winners of the eighth question are:
1. Chris Costakis ( 1 )

2. Marianthi Kavelidou ( 5 )

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